It might be that you are thinking about installing a wood floor. Or you may have found one, laid under a carpet that you never knew was there. Either way, wood floors as we say so much are steeped in history. They have been a favourite floor covering for so long. They offer many opportunities and advantages. However, we are often approached with questions about wood floors.

Wood Floor FAQs

Sanding Parquet Floors PrestonWhich type of wood floor is best?

There is no real simple answer here. There are things that impact your decision such as budget constraints, location and intended use. If budget is not so much of a concern, a hardwood floor is certainly the best option. Maple and oak are some of the most well-known hardwoods.

Are there any drawbacks to wood floors?

Wood flooring has a protective topcoat layer. There are many things within your home that can scratch the surface. Moving furniture, dirt under shoes and incorrect cleaning techniques are just some. These scratches can be quite visible. And a wise approach to removing dirt, putting felt tabs on furniture and best cleaning practices can all reduce the likelihood of scratches. But this would not be the case with carpet.

Floor sanding company PrestonAre laminate wood floors or hardwood floors best?

Again, this is generally a personal choice. There are clients that want authenticity and a high-quality floor. In this case hardwood floors are certainly the best. For ease of care and a more budget-friendly alternative, then laminate floors may be your preferred choice.

How long can wood floors last?

Honestly? They can last a lifetime. Hardwood alternatives can easily last 100 years. The secret? Regular maintenance and cleaning. Taking proper care of your floors will not only help them last longer but will allow true enjoyment of them throughout their lifetime.

We are trusted local floor sanders. We offer wood floor sanding and wood restoration services for all types of wood floors. Get in touch by calling 07714 439813 today.